


Website.com is a drag-and-drop website building site. Not only do they give you tools to set up your business website from scratch, but they also help you with matters that determine the success and accessibility of your business, like search engine optimization and marketing.

They have been around since 2005, and they generally have impressive customer ratings on average. Free user plan aside, Website.com offers their customers three other payment plans to choose from as per their preference. It does not provide API, but at the same time, the site offers several valuable tools for building an online business. For example, their WYSIWYG editor, regularly updated template designs to base your website on, content import and export services, online finance solutions, et cetera all go a long way to prove its effectiveness in the market.

Besides, something that Website.com has going for it is its highly user-friendly interface. Not only is it easy to build a website and attract the target demographic with Website.com, but you can also establish contact options like chats and emergency query responses on your website to make it more convenient for your customers to make their way around your website.

Plans & Pricing


$ 0.00


$ 3.00 / Month


$ 5.00 / Month


$ 10.00 / Month

2 reviews for Website.com

  1. Shivaji Mitra

    Around 10 million users pick Website.com as their primary website builder. This builder is the best one for Small business owners and individuals. They have all kind of tools to play with and also all the latest technologies there. For products, they are using Paypal as the payments options for their themes and the fact that no coding knowledge needed for all these makes me wanna recommend Website.com site builder more, to all.

  2. Shivaji Mitra

    As an experienced web developer, I needed to find the best online website builder to complete several projects within a week. After trying several platforms, I discovered that Website.com was the best choice. Their WYSIWYG editor is easy to use and allows for advanced customization and control.

    The platform also offers robust SEO and marketing tools, including Google AdWords integration and content import/export functionality. Plus, it easily integrates with Google Analytics and other essential tools.

    Overall, Website.com is a top-tier platform, and I’m impressed with the level of functionality and customization it provides to experts like me. I’m here to stay! Cheers.

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