Magzter is the world’s largest self-service digital newsstand, providing access to over 8,000 magazines and newspapers in more than 60 languages. It is available on various platforms, including iOS, Android, Amazon Appstore, and the web, making it easy to use and accessible from anywhere.
Magzter GOLD is the world’s largest “All-You-Can-Read” subscription service, giving digital readers unlimited access to thousands of publications for a monthly fee. This service allows users to keep up with multiple publications without worrying about individual subscription fees.
Magzter offers game-changing features such as ezRead 2.0, which allows easy reading of magazine content on small screens and is accompanied by stunning videos and high-resolution photography. Magzter Smart Reading Zone provides unlimited access to thousands of magazines, newspapers, and premium stories based on Geo-Fencing Satellite technology.
Magzter is also committed to the environment and reducing paper waste. By going digital, Magzter is making a significant contribution to environmental protection, making it an excellent choice for environmentally conscious readers.
Overall, Magzter is an innovative, user-friendly, and eco-friendly platform that offers a vast selection of magazines and newspapers in multiple languages, making it the perfect destination for all.
- Reviews (2)
- Plans & Pricing
Shivaji Mitra –
Magzter is the world’s biggest Magazine hub for all. You will get a lot of offers on products. Apart from all the famous and glam magazines, they also have excellent news stand and for publishers they provide some tools to elaborate all the process. I have subscribed since few year now and would willingly say, they the best in the market.
Shivaji Mitra –
I also love Magzter GOLD’s All-You-Can-Read subscription service. The service gives me access to many magazines and newspapers for a reasonable monthly fee, so I never worry about subscription fees for individual publications.
Magzter’s unique features, such as the ezRead 2.0 and Smart Reading Zone, provide an exceptional reading experience.
For instance, the ezRead 2.0 feature makes reading magazine content easy on my smartphone. The Smart Reading Zone provides me access to premium stories based on Geo-Fencing Satellite technology.