


Smart Slider 3 is an intuitive and powerful WordPress plugin for creating stunning and responsive sliders without requiring any coding knowledge. Its live slide editor provides an efficient interface to develop slides, drop layers, and structure them with rows and columns. At the same time, customization options allow users to change typography and style details and modify every slider element.

Smart Slider 3 offers full responsiveness and mobile readiness, ensuring the slider looks great on any device. The plugin provides a variety of slide-switching animations, such as horizontal, vertical, and fade, and a range of slider controls, including arrows, bullets, autoplay, bar, thumbnail, and shadow.

The plugin provides many other features, such as importing and exporting sliders, intuitive slide creation, static overlays, touch swipe, scroll, keyboard navigation, full-width and boxed responsive layouts, adaptive layer font sizing, and much more. It fully integrates with WordPress, including media manager, shortcode, widget, post permalinks, and post editor.

In conclusion, Smart Slider 3 is an excellent WordPress plugin that offers users a range of features and benefits for beginners to experienced developers. With Smart Slider 3, creating stunning and responsive sliders has never been easier or more accessible.

Plans & Pricing


$ 0.00 / Yearly


$ 51.69/ Yearly


$ 104.42 / Yearly

1 review for Smartslider3.com

  1. Shivaji Mitra

    Smart Slider 3 intuitive interface and customization options are ideal for creating fantastic and responsive sliders. The live slide editor is particularly impressive, enabling users to drop in layers quickly, structure them with rows and columns, and change typography and style details to modify every slider element.

    Smart Slider 3’s full responsiveness and mobile readiness are outstanding. This plugin also provides other features, such as importing and exporting sliders, touch swipe, scroll, keyboard navigation, and more.
    Overall, Smart Slider 3 is an excellent WordPress plugin offering users many features and benefits. It fully integrates with WordPress and is perfect for beginners and experienced developers alike.

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