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Total Wellness Polyclinic

Total Wellness Polyclinic has a varied range of clinical services provides with the assurance of quality healthcare while following a hassle-free method. Their hospitals are your first stop to receiving care for your entire family! They are involved in a passionate journey to establish themselves as the lowest-cost, high-quality healthcare service provider in Kolkata.

We have designed the complete layout of the website along with the logo. On the other hand, developed the web site’s functionality, entirely. We have implemented Hospital CRM (Customer relationship management) on the website.

TWP Clinic Portfolio Banner
Shivaji did a great job putting all the things together in our website. Excellence at its best. The Management process is very much efficient on its own. Thanks to Shivaji and his team.
Koushani Dutta


Portfolio Details

Skills: CodeIgniter Web FrameworkCSS3Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Healthcare CRMHTML5Medicine PortalPHP

Location: Kolkata, India

Client Name: Koushani Dutta

Portfolio URL: